Saturday, December 7, 2013

Salvation Army Red Kettles

My Lettar to Bob Scheiffer CBS News

Roy Harley
i am Reasonably Sure Mr Bob Scheiffar you are intelligent enough to know there could not be any Default, Because Your Beloved Socialist Pres has the Power to pay the interest, despite your lies to protect the Party,I am just as convinced you have enough Sense To Realis, the shutdown isnt the Doom and Gloom you portray it as Either, I am wondering as bad as this Obamacare is to our freedom and way of life, not to mention our Economy at what point you Decided to sell out your Country for your Party, the middle class
the Biggest portion of our Party gets screwed the worse, with no one Really Benefiting from this Socialist Legislation, half the Doctors
will be lost in the First 4 years, a large section of the Country paying on averedge, 7000 more dollars and when is the last time you herd of something that actually was good having to be forced on anyone. I am so ashamed of you Bob Scheffar try free market Capitolism it works Mr Scheiffar. you werent smart enough when Nancy Pelosi made the stupid ass Comment we have to pass it to find out whats in it for a Red Flag to go off. well Mr Sheiffer
you certainly serve your Comrads well and Before you lie to yourself and state that its the Christian thing to do to help those that need it which is true this is not Christian Charity God says First to help someone, you cant harm anyone far more harmed under this than helped and you cannot do nit expecting something does
that sound like this to you, I think you Know Bettar     Elvisroy0000

Monday, November 4, 2013

Dear President obama

  If a Person tries to sign up on your site which is Broken, takes Hours gets extremely Frustrated and Gives
up, what will he accomplish by calling your toll free Hotline, when the Person at the Other end has to enter the information on the other end, because your website is still Broken, and Cannot be fixed, you may get
the site Functioning one day when you and i are both in our Rocking Chair, and Michelle has Left you, for
a newer Model, or you have left her for Hillary, and cannot Remember my Name or Yours. why not scrap
the whole thing and blame it on G.W  I am sure he will not Mind seeing as How you have blamed him for everything from Solyndra to Joe Biden's bad wig  and Nancy Pelosi latest Face surgery failure.
     what will fix this Healthcare Debacle is to admit defeat, and take a sledge Hammer to your site.i think their is a bettar way just take all the Money you would have poured into Obamacare and send everyone a Check this Christmas, it should certainly boost your poll Numbers, even among moderates,while we all
love the idea of Running all our Doctors out of Practice,and killing off Pharma's Drug development, and
who doesn't want a Beuracrat instead , and we all No Grandma Laying Their on  Her Death Bed with double Pnumonia, and Cancer Doesnt need anything Drastic just give her an aspirin.

Monday, October 21, 2013

How To Mooche Off Others For a Living

yes you heard me Correctly this is a How To, But I am Sure you Liberals will have Better Techniques
Than i do, after all I am Conservative and Believe In Taking care of Myself and My Family. First Thing
to Be a Good Moocher you will Have To vote For democrats, Though they are The worse Candidates
They Promise you The Most, Though Rarely deliver that Doesn't Matter They Promise Much, They Promise
To Give You Healthcare without Giving up Your Present Doctor, Though you see that Lie playing out
Before your very eyes ignore it, Much of Being a Good Moocher and Liberal depends on Ignoring Reality
   To Be a Good moocher you must sign up for Welfare say you do not Qualify tell them you sniffed
Bananas as a Teenager they will eat That up you'll have Your Check Pronto. loose your job at Burger king
Recently apply for Unemployement it pays More. and if you are a smart Moocher attend Occupy rallies
and steal from Fellow Moochers although a word of caution while you are out stealing from other occupiers
they may Be stealing from You, if not to Busy peeing on Cop Cars. well that completes Your training
     and Remember Nancy pelosi said we have top pass it to find out whats in it, and now its passed and
the more we find out the More it stinks


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Max and Me

Max and me strive to Restore common sense, and our quest to promote Freedom ,and the American way
of Life and Prosperity for all, Not through trying to pull everyone down as Democrats do, But Trying to
elevate everyone as Conservatism Does.we cannot continue to run massive debt up we will Fall Regardless what Pres Obama and Hillary Clinton Believe

Sunday, August 4, 2013

is President Obama a space Alien

President Obamas ET Heritage
i do not Personally believe President Obama is Kenyan, or Hawaain i believe he is an Extraterrestrial
There are, a race of space Aliens who look Just like us, except for unusually large Ears. this could
also explain why he has no Proper Birth Certificate. and his unusual Behavior towards Humans,
if The President is an ET, there have to be those close to Him who Know about it, and if there are
Aliens living among us, we should be told, no excuse for Hiding it from us, and i can spell when I
want to.we should all think about this, and what it could mean as a society if President Obama
were proven to be an Et, of course his popularity would skyrocket, it is an interesting idea rattling
around in my head, ideas often rattle around in my head.there are former Area 51 employees who
say there are Aliens who look like us except the overly large Ears i think this may be the case here.
   or maybe he does not even realis he is an Et, maybe these Humans from another planet are
our ancestors, and he has not even been told of how he arrived from another planet. this is really
a quagmire. Only time will tell if i am correct
Posted by Roy Harley at 11:16 AM No comments:

Friday, August 2, 2013

How Al Gore Could Become a Bettar Human

How Al Gore Could Become a Bettar Person   Leave a comment

             1 if Al Gore were truthful about Global whining, he would immediately become a better, more Honest Human Being. i have nothing against Al Gore making a Profit i believe
in freedom and The Free market, it is none of my or Your Business how much money someone else Makes, i do have something against demagoging  Oil Companies for personel Gain which Al Gore Does, after all he flies around in a Leer Jet,which Guzzles
Fuel and Rides around in a Limousine, Hippocrit  do not you Think. well any way
2 Al Gore could be a Better Person if He admitted the Truth that Fracking Shale is Safe
for the Environment, and does not Contaminate water supply, this would be a huge step
for him and his marxist allies, like Bill and Hillary President Obama and Barney franks,
and James Earle carter. Just admit your Global warming Hoax it may even gain you a
a Seat in The White House People love People Coming Clean. another way Al Gore,
The Views and opinions Here are Mine not Necessarily  Al Gores or any Democrat
for that Matter, Marxists of a Feather Flock togethar and are Protected by laimstreem
Media ABC, NBC,CBS though i will say CBS Tries Harder than The Rest to put on
the appearance of Unbiased Reporting
Could Become a Better Person stop supporting Socialist agenda that would be a plus.
i am Right Regardless of my, naysayers. i dont know how much more Right i could be
i nailed it

a classic swift Kick in The ass

A couple in Fla awarded 8.4 million because the doctor did not murder there Baby
because it was handicapped.this illustrates the Degradation of our society.
              So a braindead jury in Fla,awards this couple 8.4 million,for there criminal irresponsibility,and neglegent

behavior,because the Baby had no arms,or legs the Doctor was supposed to abort this precious gift these two
morons were given. set asside the fact someone else would have been glad to have this Baby,and these two
clearly have no business having children,how were 9 Jury members so far gone, as to make this ruling,granted
it is the Judges fault two,he could have awarded 2 dollars instead of 8.4 million which i dont think they deserved
either,people our society is in deep trouble,this is looney tune madness,just plain wrong,there was no excuse.
So the Teachable Moment here if you dont like your Baby murder it legaly,people wake up,we cannot survive this
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as a could the Judge allow this,how could he let this go forward to begin with, no common sense
          God Gave these two, a precious Gift,he gave the Baby the Gift of life,this Jury,and these two,and the judge
tried to steal this life,we dont know what great things this Baby will accomplish,if it were up to them this Baby
would be Dead. cudos to the Doctor for not killing this Baby,doing the Right Thing,this couple has no business,
having Children.and will surely adopt this one out,in short the award was totally and feloniously wrong what
they should have recieved instead of 8.4 million,is a swift Kick in the ass instead,this is all they would have
recieved from me elvisroy0000           and my new article can be found here